Your Tetraktys Spread
Scroll down for your interpretation. Click on individual cards to see a larger representation.



The Fire Card represents your creative force, will, and ambition.

Ten of Swords Reversed

Evil will be defeated. Courage is needed to face challenges. Develop your spiritual self.



The Air Card Your current strategies and thoughts concerning your goals


Failure and defeat are possible. Injustice and cowardliness may appear.



The Water Card explores your emotional self.

Four of Pentacles

Financial gain, success and worldly power seem assured, but lack any higher meaning.



The Earth Card concerns how you dealing with everyday life.

Knight of Cups

Grace mixed with laziness. Preoccupation with sensual fantasies. Look for a message, opportunity or invitation.



The Creator Card explores that which drives you in new directions.

The Seven of Wands Reversed

Employ caution and courage in your ventures. Knowledge is your ally, arrogance your enemy.



The Sustainer Card depicts that which helping you remain balanced and healthy.

Ace of Pentacles

Prosperity, pleasure and beauty can be realized.



The Destroyer Card identifies that which must be jettisoned, so you can move forward.

King of Swords

The ability to govern and give good advice. A powerful enemy and staunch friend. Strong, authorative and able to lead.



The Light Card represents the cosmic force which is guiding you towards fulfillment.

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

Chance is not presently favorable. Loss is possible and bravery is required.



The Dark Card represents the cosmic reaction to your being.

The Hierophant

A lover of tradition and ceremony, The Hierphant needs social approval and appreciates the positive aspects of conformity.



The Premise represents the factors that form the the foundation for the entire spread.

The Six of Wands Reversed

Success may be delayed. Be wary of accomplished enemies.