Your Tarot Cross and Triangle Spread
Your Cross and Triangle Spread
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You the Significator and Your Life Force

The Empress

This card represents wealth, marriage, fertility and creativity.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

Ace of Pentacles Reversed

Selfishness, greed and false starts are possible. A life that is unsettled or comfortability that may not be in your best interest.

That Which Influences Your Emotions

Page of Pentacles Reversed

Loss and overindulgence. Preoccupation with worldly possessions. Bad news may be on the horizon.

That Which Influences Your Spirit

Queen of Pentacles Reversed

A lack of trust may prevail. Obligations and duties are not attended. Failure is feared.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self


This card represents the power of your charactor, spiritual power defeating material desires and love over hate.

Forces that Oppose You

Seven of Swords Reversed

Good things may come from unforseen sources. Freedom from burdens and the easing of tension are possible.

Other Forces that Oppose You

Six of Cups Reversed

Preoccupation with the past. Overdependence on outdated ideas and morals.

Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront

The Lovers

The drawing of two forces together, choices, temptations. The fight between the sacred and the secular. Accord of the inner and worldly self.

The Outcome

The Emperor

The qualities of The Emperor include the ability to lead and wield power. He is paternal and mentally quick as well.

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