Your Birthday Spread
Your Birthday Spread
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Your Present Position in the World


This is the card of change and renewal, the emergence of new ideas and opportunites.

Your Goals for the Next Year

Four of Cups

A period of rest in your life and dissatisfaction with material gains. Re-evaluation of your goals.

That Which Empowers You

The Nine of Wands

Your struggles are at a pause. Prepare for them to renew themselves. Persistency will pay off in the end.

Powers You Need to Develop

Four of Swords Reversed

Activity begins again. Success will be realized. Move with caution and wisdom as your guides.

Your Present Material Self

The Devil Reversed

The reversed Devil signifies a spiritual rebirth, freedom from the preoccupation with the secular and the overcoming of pride and selfishness.

Your Present Emotional State

Five of Cups

That which was expected to bring joy may bring sorrow. Disillusionment with relationships. The loss of friends, partners and lovers.

Your Present Spiritual Self

Page of Pentacles

Introversion. A healthy admiration for new ideas and scholarly pursuits. Reflective. Good management and organizational skills. A bearer of good tidings.

That Which Opposes You

Five of Pentacles

Poverty and unemployment are possible. Possessions may be lost. A troubled soul is likely.

What You Need to Do to Realize Your Goals

Three of Wands

Hope, strength and world power will be realized. Arrogance is your enemy. Partnerships may bring your hopes to a good end.

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