Zich Nethśrac Rasnal (Etruscan Oracle)

The Etruscan Oracle
Zich Nethśrac Rasnal

Your Cast of Cel Ati
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What You Need to Learn

This Rune symbolises creativity, inspiration, wisdom, insight and the solution to a problem.

The Challenges Before You

Menrva reversed: Lack of tact and stubbornness cause trouble.

Your Guiding Rune

Aiser reversed represents lack of trust in yourself and others. Lack of faith in the future. Denying the power of the divine in yourself.

What Powers Will Help You

The goddess Tivr (Greek: Selênê, Roman: Lūna) symbolises inevitable change, cycles, withdrawal, rest, symbolises emotions, deep fears, the unconscious mind, things hidden, revelations, intuition and counselling.

Warnings You Should Heed

The goddess Thesan (Greek: Eos, Roman: Aurōra) symbolises healing, fertility, new beginnings, birth, growth, conception, plenty and clearance.

That Which You Should Let Pass

This Rune symbolises property, land, inheritance, home, the family name, legacy, synthesis, sense of belonging, conflict between the interests of the self and the interests of others.

The End Result

The God Charun (Greek: Charon, Roman: Charōn) symbolises disaster and destruction, a sudden loss, ordeal, clearance, a testing time, a karmic lesson, a drastic change.

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