Your Tetraktys Spread
Your Tetraktys Spread
Scroll down for your interpretation. Click on individual cards to see a larger representation.
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The Fire Card represents your creative force, will, and ambition.

The Six of Wands Reversed

Success may be delayed. Be wary of accomplished enemies.



The Air Card Your current strategies and thoughts concerning your goals

Three of Coins Reversed

Gain is not realized and skills are not mastered.



The Water Card explores your emotional self.

King of Swords

The ability to govern and give good advice. A powerful enemy and staunch friend. Strong, authorative and able to lead.



The Earth Card concerns how you dealing with everyday life.

Two of Wands

New ventures will require courage and logic. Influence over others grows. Kindness and altruism pay off.



The Creator Card explores that which drives you in new directions.

">Queen of Coins

Feminine qualities take the forefront. In tune with the earth. Nurturing. Wealth and security. Talents put to good use.



The Sustainer Card depicts that which helping you remain balanced and healthy.

Ten of Swords

Goals may be unmet. Plans are in jeopardy. Sorrow may be felt deeply. Be kind to those in need.



The Destroyer Card identifies that which must be jettisoned, so you can move forward.

The Knight of Wands Reversed

Jealousy, conflict and chaos. Work left undone.



The Light Card represents the cosmic force which is guiding you towards fulfillment.

The King of Wands

Passionate, a spry body and mind, honesty and friendliness.



The Dark Card represents the cosmic reaction to your being.

Pisces Reversed

Pisces reversed signifies a lack of positive thinking and creativity at this time.



The Premise represents the factors that form the the foundation for the entire spread.


Libra denotes justice and balance. That which should rightfully be shall be.



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