Your Cross and Triangle Spread
Your Cross and Triangle Spread
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You the Significator and Your Life Force


Water is the card of hidden truths and emotions. It also calms and soothes and is basic to life. The Water card may denote a period of discovery, fulfillment through learning and the unraveling of mysteries.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

Six of Coins

Material gain, charity and justice are at the forefront. That which is earned will be given.

That Which Influences Your Emotions

The Sun Reversed

The outcome of future plans is nebulous. Trouble with relationships and work is very possible.

That Which Influences Your Spirit

Eight of Cups

Roaming without a destination. Sadness with relationships. The abandonment of the material world.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

Four of Coins

Financial gain, success and worldly power seem assured, but lack any higher meaning.

Forces that Oppose You

Two of Wands Reversed

New ventures may prove unfruitful. Adversity may be experienced in all or any arena of life.

Other Forces that Oppose You

Page of Wands

This card represents courage and beauty, a quickness to love as well as anger. A carrier of tidings and information.

Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront

The Chariot Reversed

The Chariot reversed may signify loss and failure. It may be a time to gather your strength for the battles ahead. Do not compromise your spiritual self.

The Outcome

The King of Wands

Passionate, a spry body and mind, honesty and friendliness.

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