Your Astrological Spread
Your Astrological Spread
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Your Self Overall

The Grand Duke

The Grand Duke represents the development of leadership qualities. He is dignified, authoritive, decisive and on his way to becoming a governing force.

Your Current Mood (The Card of Aries)

Page of Cups Reversed

Obstacles and bad news. A lack of creativity. Deception.

Matters Concerning Finance (The Card of Taurus)

Seven of Swords

Plans may fail. Distrust and dishonesty are possible. Success will not be complete.

Matters Concerning Travel and Communication (The Card of Gemini)

The Magus

This card represents the force of your will, the mastery of skills and your creative talents.

Matters of the Home, Parents and Children (The Card of Cancer)

Six of Coins

Material gain, charity and justice are at the forefront. That which is earned will be given.

Matters of Pleasure (The Card of Leo)


With Scorpio come victory through a forceful inner drive. Scorpio also denotes a high level of sensuality.

Matters of Health (The Card of Virgo)

Two of Cups Reversed

Folly, misunderstanding and false love are possible.

Matters of Partnerships and Marriage (The Card of Libra)


Fire denotes the unleashing of raw energy and change. The status quo may be about to crumble, but will be replaced something better. Fire also provides light to those in the dark and warmth for a cold body and spirit.

Matters of Death and Inheritance (The Card of Scorpio)

The Western Emperor Reversed

This card represents a weak will, undeveloped leadership qualities, flamboyance, and the inability to learn from experience.

Matters of the Spiritual, Education and Dreams (The Card of Sagittarius)

Capricorn Reversed

Capricorn reversed signifies impracticality and a lack of ambition.

Matters of Career (The Card of Capricorn)

Ace of Swords

The triumph of power and will. Emotions are felt strongly. Great activity abounds. The heroic personality is near or soon to be born.

Matters of Friendship (The Card of Aquarius)

Three of Coins Reversed

Gain is not realized and skills are not mastered.

Matters of Burdens, Opposition and Fears (The Card of Pisces)

Eight of Swords

Indecision and betrayal may imprision you. Fear may be paralyzing and make if difficult to move away from present problems.

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