Your Relationship Reading
This reading concentrates on the dynamics of your relationship with another person. The other person may be a mate, or business partner, or even an enemy.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.
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Your Shared Path

Your Path's Goal
Their Path's Goal

That Which Will Influence You
That Which Will Influence Them

That Which Influences You
That Which Influences Them

Your Past Influence
Their Past Influence

Your Shared Path

Wan 1
Symbol: Entering
The Entering tile indicates that barriers you now face will soon be lifted. Opportunity and success are ahead, but you must have the courage and energy to take advantage of them.



Your Path's Goal

Bamboo 5
Symbol: Lotus Flower
The Lotus Flower tile represents birth or rebirth. On a spiritual level it may indicate you are about to reach new heights in your understanding of your place in the cosmos. Physically it may suggest a child is coming, or a new project is about to emerge. The Lotus Flower tile also speaks of regeneration, and may indicate a time of recovery from hardship—a new beginning.



Their Path's Goal

Plum Blossom
Symbol: Innocence
The Plum tile reflects renewal and viewing your world with fresh viewpoints. It is an inherently “happy” tile. The Plum tile also suggests inexperience—a trait you must not allow to make you an easy target.



That Which Will Influence You

Green Dragon
Symbol: Commence
The Green Dragon tile suggests the time has come for you to begin a new project, or take your life in a new direction.



That Which Will Influence Them

Symbol: The Woodcutter
The Woodcutter employs three of the 5 elements central to Chinese philosophy: Fire, Wood and Metal. He is ambitious and full of drive and energy. He represents gain and success through dedicated work.



That Which Influences You

Circles 5
Symbol: Dragon
The Dragon tile indicates good luck and large fortunes. Effort is not a prerequisite for the gain suggested by the Dragon tile. You cannot work towards acquiring the Dragon's gifts. They will come when they come, and will most likely be a surprise.



That Which Influences Them

Bamboo 7
Symbol: Tortoise
The Tortoise tile suggests impatience with the time certain aspects are taking to play themselves out. It is likely any open issues you may have will need extra attention and patience to resolve properly. The Tortoise also symbolizes long life.



Your Past Influence

Symbol: Refinement
The Orchid tile suggests there may be rare and refined experiences coming into your life. Enjoy them!



Their Past Influence

Circles 9
Symbol: Unicorn
The Unicorn tile indicates a clear vision of the future and the ability to see people for who the really are. In rare cases the Unicorn tile may suggest a person with psychic powers.



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