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Your Relationship Spread
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Your View of Your Partner

Ace of Diamonds

You will receive an important message. This message may be joyful or sad depending on the other cards in your reading.

Your Partner's View of You

Five of Diamonds

Friendship, support. This could be in the form of friendly advice, a friendly letter or a friendly work atmosphere.

Your Needs

Queen of Spades

This royal card represents a woman who could be either someone you love or a business rival. If she is next to the ace, nine or ten of spades, she may be a widow.

Your Partner's Needs

Seven of Diamonds

This card means either you are dwelling on something or you need to take something into consideration which you have ignored.

The Current State of Your Relationship

Ten of Spades

The Ten of Spades indicates great sadness. This may come in the form of an accident, an enemy or a wish which will never come true.

The Path You Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow

Seven of Spades

Someone will offer you advice that is best not taken. Doing so will present currently unseen obstacles to your success.

The Path Your Partner Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow

King of Diamonds

This royal card represents a father figure, a child or a very close friend.

Aspects of Your Relationship to Consider

Four of Clubs

Beware of dishonesty or deceit in others. Avoid blind acceptance of others as their true motives may escape you.

The Outcome

Five of Clubs

New friendships will present themselves; alliances will be made.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.
2 Fives indicate you have many personal challenges before you.
2 Sevens indicate you are going to have fun soon. If they are both red, your fun will come in the arena of love.

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