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Your Birthday Spread
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Your Current Condition

Four of Diamonds

This card represents a decision that must be made regarding a situation that is pulling you in many different ways. Consider all options carefully. This is not the time to make a careless mistake.

Your Goals for the Next Year

Nine of Clubs

Achievement usually associated with an accomplishment you have been striving toward for some time. This can indicate a wealthy marriage or a sudden windfall.

That Which Will Empower You

Three of Clubs

Love and happiness; a successful marriage; a favorable long-term proposition. A second chance, particularly in an economical sense.

What You Need to Develop

Ace of Diamonds

You will receive an important message. This message may be joyful or sad depending on the other cards in your reading.

Your Material Self

Eight of Spades

You will be tempted to take a different path. Beware of this new path as it may lead to misfortune or danger.

Your Emotional State

Queen of Hearts

If the person this reading is for is female, the Queen of Hearts represents her. If the person this reading is for is male, this royal card represents his love interest.

Your Spiritual Self

Queen of Spades

This royal card represents a woman who could be either someone you love or a business rival. If she is next to the ace, nine or ten of spades, she may be a widow.

That Which Opposes You

Two of Diamonds

This card represents a meeting. It could be friendly or hostile depending on the surrounding cards. If next to the king, queen or knight of spades, be very cautious.

To Realize Your Goals

Nine of Diamonds

The Nine of Diamonds represents support, friendliness or personal ambition. It also helps reduce the effect of any unfriendly cards in your reading.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.
2 Nines in your reading indicate you are about to make minor gains.
2 Queens in your reading indicate you should be aware of idle chat and gossip.

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