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Your Planetary Spread
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Your Self Overall

Seis de Oros

Night. Negligence and trivialities bring small problems. Matters to do with the night and darkness.

Matters Concerning Your Home (The Moon Card)

Sota de Oros

This royal card represents a blond or grey-haired woman. It also indicates a professional woman such as a lawyer or a medical woman. Nun. A woman of influence. A rich woman or a business woman.

Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Card of Mercury)

Rey de Copas

This royal card represents a dark-haired man with a light complexion. It also indicates an intelligent, capable and responsible man in your life.

Matters Concerning Love (The Card of Venus)

Cuatro de Oros

You can expect a present or gift. A small amount of money will come your way. A small loan.

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Card of Mars)

Siete de Bastos

The countryside or the seaside as well as agricultural matters. A city or town. The environment around you influences you.

Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Card of Jupiter)

Tres de Oros

A short trip or journey is in your future. Visiting or visitors. An exit is available.

Matters of the Intellect (The Card of Saturn)

As de Bastos

Beware of deceit, lies, intrigue. Others may show you bad faith. It may also indicate the presence of death. The death may represent the death of a friendship or situation.

The Outcome

Siete de Espadas

This card brings sorrow, tears and heartache. Anger and arguments flare up. Expect opposition and disagreements. A lawsuit.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.
2 Sevens indicate you are going to have fun soon. If they are both red, your fun will come in the arena of love.

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