Your Tetraktys Spread
Scroll down for your interpretation. Click on individual cards to see a larger representation.



The Fire Card represents your creative force, will, and ambition.

Six of Swords

The future looks brighter. Success will be known.



The Air Card Your current strategies and thoughts concerning your goals


Preoccupation with the past. Overdependence on outdated ideas and morals.



The Water Card explores your emotional self.

King of Cups Reversed

Misused power and skill. Treachery and the loss of morality and money are possible.



The Earth Card concerns how you dealing with everyday life.

Ace of Wands

A new venture is on the horizon. This new venture may be anything from a journey or business to a family.



The Creator Card explores that which drives you in new directions.

The Moon

This card represents serendipity, creativity and the coming to life of psychic powers. It may also signify dangers yet seen, deception and bad luck for someone dear to you.



The Sustainer Card depicts that which helping you remain balanced and healthy.

Queen of Swords

Often mournful from loss or infertility. Quick witted, gracious and kind but firm.



The Destroyer Card identifies that which must be jettisoned, so you can move forward.

King of Pentacles

A leader in industry and finance. The owner of large properties. Reliable, skilled and successful.



The Light Card represents the cosmic force which is guiding you towards fulfillment.

Eight of Cups

Roaming without a destination. Sadness with relationships. The abandonment of the material world.



The Dark Card represents the cosmic reaction to your being.

Nine of Swords Reversed

Time heals all wounds. The future may hold promise unimagined today.



The Premise represents the factors that form the the foundation for the entire spread.

The King of Wands Reversed

Ruthless, the misuse of power, intolerance and predjudice.