Your Celtic Cross Spread


Your Celtic Cross Spread
Scroll down for your interpretation. Click on individual cards to see a larger representation.
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The Significator represents you and your current state of being.

Six of Cups

Happiness and joy come from the past. New friendships, ventures and knowledge are possible.



The Crossing Card denotes that which opposes or influences you.

The Hierophant

A lover of tradition and ceremony, The Hierphant needs social approval and appreciates the positive aspects of conformity.



The Foundation card addresses the origin of your question.


This card represents the power of your charactor, spiritual power defeating material desires and love over hate.



The Recent Past represents past events and concerns.

Two of Cups

The harmonious blending of the male and female self. All aspects of your life are in balance.



The Crown addresses issues that are significant in the present or may come to pass in the future. This card foretells future events which you may or may not occur, depending upon how you respond to the present situation.

Ace of Swords

The triumph of power and will. Emotions are felt strongly. Great activity abounds. The heroic personality is near or soon to be born.



The Future depicts that which lies ahead.

The Hanged Man Reversed

The card of false prophecy and time wasted. The reversed Hanged Man represents a preoccupation with the worldly and wasted energy.



Emotions card signifies the current state of your emotional self.

The Sun

This card represents material success and the achievement of goals, fulfillment in the simple life.



External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends in your relationships with others.

The World Reversed

This card represents the success yet attained, a lack of clear vision and a fear of change.



Hopes and Desires stands for the hopes and desires you have for the outcome of your question.

The Chariot

Victory and success in the world.



The Outcome the ultimate outcome your question. Remember the future is not predetermined. Interpret this card in the context of the entire reading and as an indicator of the path you are currently on, but not bound to. reading.

Ten of Wands

Strength and power may be misused. Heartache is possible. Persistence will eventually solve all problems.



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