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Your Present Situation

Caballo de Espadas

A sociable person or drinker. A visitor. A husband.

The Cause of Your Conflicts and Obstacles

Rey de Bastos

This royal card represents a dark-haired man with an olive or dark complexion. It also indicates a responsible, educated man or a divorced man in your life.

The Changes You Need to Make to Face Your Challenges

Seis de Copas

A love affair starts, bringing love and passion into your life.

Your Strengths

Cinco de Bastos

There is jealousy and deception around you. Troubled times where something dishonest or illegal is going on. Corruption. Avoid blind acceptance of others as their true motives may escape you

Other Challenges

As de Bastos

Beware of deceit, lies, intrigue. Others may show you bad faith. It may also indicate the presence of death. The death may represent the death of a friendship or situation.

The Final Outcome

Sota de Espadas

This royal card represents a very dark-haired woman. It also indicates a divorced woman, a strong-willed and determined woman, or a sister or female relative.

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