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Your Cross and Triangle Spread
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You the Significator and Your Life Force

Caballo de Espadas

A sociable person or drinker. A visitor. A husband.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

As de Oros

You will receive news via letter, phone call, email or fax. It brings triumph and success to you.

That Which Influences Your Emotions

Dos de Oros

This card warns of obstacles, difficulties, postponements and delays.

That Which Influences Your Spirit

Seis de Espadas

Worries and anxieties beset you. Insecurity and nervousness. Doubts. Mental instability.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

Dos de Bastos

A child. New ideas and projects develop. New plans and hopes are possible.

Forces that Oppose You

Cuatro de Oros

You can expect a present or gift. A small amount of money will come your way. A small loan.

Other Forces that Oppose You

Tres de Bastos

Magic and religion. Packages. The workplace is highlighted.

Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront

Rey de Copas

This royal card represents a dark-haired man with a light complexion. It also indicates an intelligent, capable and responsible man in your life.

The Outcome

Cuatro de Espadas

Sickness and being laid up in bed. Small suffering. Look close to you for the important element.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.
2 Twos indicate you may be close to leaving a relationship behind.
2 Fours in your reading indicate you may be standing on shaky ground.

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