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Your Birthday Spread
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Your Current Condition

Dos de Oros

This card warns of obstacles, difficulties, postponements and delays.

Your Goals for the Next Year

Caballo de Oros

A traveller of someone from afar. A good friend. An intelligent and confident person.

That Which Will Empower You

Rey de Copas

This royal card represents a dark-haired man with a light complexion. It also indicates an intelligent, capable and responsible man in your life.

What You Need to Develop

As de Espadas

You can count on total security. Issues leave no room for doubt. Justice brings victory.

Your Material Self

Seis de Copas

A love affair starts, bringing love and passion into your life.

Your Emotional State

Tres de Bastos

Magic and religion. Packages. The workplace is highlighted.

Your Spiritual Self

Seis de Espadas

Worries and anxieties beset you. Insecurity and nervousness. Doubts. Mental instability.

That Which Opposes You

Rey de Bastos

This royal card represents a dark-haired man with an olive or dark complexion. It also indicates a responsible, educated man or a divorced man in your life.

To Realize Your Goals

Siete de Espadas

This card brings sorrow, tears and heartache. Anger and arguments flare up. Expect opposition and disagreements. A lawsuit.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.
2 Sixes in your reading indicate there are contradictions you will have to deal with.
2 Kings in your reading indicate you will be receiving good advice and the opportunity to form a strong partnership.

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